Within Eagle, you have the ability to create your own letter templates which can be tailored to any aspect of your business.
How To Create a Letter Template
Go to Settings->Letter Templates
Click on the Letter Templates tab
Click on "New Letter Template" - This will bring you to a page where you can create a letter template
The template name field is your internal name to remember the letter
The content field is where you enter your letter. Type in your letter in this field the same as if you were making the letter in Word.
Eagle provides template tags that can be prefilled by data in your database. These tags are surrounded by curled braces {{ }}. To add a tag to your letter, place your cursor in the content field where you would like the tag to go. Select the tag you want in the "Add field" dropdown box. Click "Add". Your tag will now be inserted into the letter. Don't remove part of the tag or remove braces, the tag must remain fully intact as it is.
How fields work
Fields pull information from different areas of your database. The first word of the field relates to the type of data in your database, and the last part of the field relates to the actual data field.
This table shows the different fields that are available and what that data accesses
Field type Where the data comes from
Office Settings->Account Settings section
Agent Settings->Agent Profiles section
Contact (Recipient) The contacts database
Solicitor In a contact record, you can set the solicitor by going to the "Related contacts" tab Contract The contracts section and all purchases, vendors and solicitors attached to a contract. For more information, see our contracts help desk article. When you are creating a letter for a contract, make sure to use the tags beginning with the word "Contract" for solicitors, purchasers and vendors.