Step 1. Bring in your bank transactions
Option 1a) Import your bank statement (recommended)
Option 1b) Manually add your bank statement
Log into Eagle, and go to Trust Accounting tab on the left hand side
Click on "Bank Statements" for your Trust Account
Click "Manually enter statement"
Use the form to enter the transactions from your statement
Step 2. Reconcile your transactions
Go to the Trust Accounting tab on the left hand side
Click on "Reconcile" for your Trust Account
On the left, transactions from your bank are shown
If Eagle finds a matching transaction in your Trust books, that transaction will be displayed as a match on the right hand side. Click "OK" to reconcile it
If no match can be found for a transaction, on the right hand side, click the button "Find a match". This will bring up a list of transactions in your Trust books. Tick the transactions that match. When the amount on your bank statement matches the transactions in Eagle, the "Save" button will turn green. Click on "Save" to reconcile that transaction.
Step 3. Print your reports
Go to the Trust Accounting tab on the left hand side
Click on "Reports" for your Trust Account
Select the date range you want to report on, or download a specific month from the list