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What is a NABERS rating?
What is a NABERS rating?

Portal Error: 'Nabers rating is required for commercial listings'

Justin Tilley avatar
Written by Justin Tilley
Updated over a week ago

The NABERS Energy for offices rating is a national rating system that measures building performance on a scale of zero to six stars. A zero-star rating means the building is performing well below average and has lots of scope for improvement. A six-star rating indicates a market leading performance, with half the greenhouse gas emissions or water use of a five-star building.

NABERS ratings are legally required for commercial building owners/managers where spaces within office buildings of 1000 square metres or more. 

For more information on NABERS you can visit their website here.

What do I do when a get a Portal Error - 'NABERS rating is required for commercial listings'?

This is a error that they send on ALL Commercial listings. 

If your listing does have a Total Floor Area of more than 1000 square meters you will need to provide a 'Nabers rating'. 

To add this to your listing;

  1. From your 'Listings' tab 'Edit' the listing you are needing to make updates to.

  2. Go to the 'Property Details' tab.

  3. Add your 'Nabers rating' in the designated area.

  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'Save'

For any listings with a Total Floor Area less than 1000 square metres this errors will not stop the listing from updating so is generally safe to ignore however, most of the time, 'Pushing' the listing to again will remove this error. 

To do this;

  1. From your 'Listings' tab 'Edit' the listing with the error.

  2. Go to the 'Portals' tab.

  3. On the / portal select 'Push Now'.

If you have followed these steps and are still receiving this error please contact our Eagle Support Team on 03 9016 0444 or [email protected]

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