If you would like your rental applicants to apply via Ignite, you can add an Ignite Apply Online button to your Eagle website.ย
The Ignite Apply Online button can be added in two sections of your Eagle website:
Rental Application Form page
Each Rental Listing page of your website
Step 1.
To begin the process of adding the Ignite Apply Online button, we would suggest that you first sign up for Ignite. Details on how to do so can be found on the Ignite website here
Step 2.ย
Once you have signed up and been verified, you need to email [email protected], including your REA Agency ID and the website pages you would like the Ignite Apply Online button to display. We will finish off the rest.
For any further assistance with this, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Eagle Support Team at (03) 9016 0444 or [email protected]