Did you know you can also download ABA files for payments made from your Eagle Software trust account?
Not only will this save you time, but it will also increase the accuracy of your payments as exactly what you entered into the system is what will be generated by the ABA file that you can import into your banking system.
To get started with this, first of all access the Trust Account from your Eagle CRM.
This can be done from either the Transactions tab or Ledgers tab for this tutorial we will be doing this from the Ledgers tab (click here for more information on managing ledgers)
1. Select the name of the ledger, which will bring you into the ledger account
2. Select Add Payment and complete the payment details and select Save
3. You can now select the ABA File button on the line item you wish to generate and download the ABA file for
For any further assistance with this please contact our Eagle Support Team;
P: (03) 9016 0444 E: [email protected]