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Manage appraisals via the EagleCRM App
Manage appraisals via the EagleCRM App

Learn how to use Appraisals on the EagleCRM mobile app

Justin Tilley avatar
Written by Justin Tilley
Updated over a week ago

If you ever need to appraise a property away from your computer or access current appraisals, the Mobile App is an invaluable tool.

Accessing your Appraisals

On the main drop-list of the app, if you click the third option called Appraisals, you'll be taken to a screen of your current appraisals. At an overview, you'll be able to see the address, status, interest level and type of appraisal. At the top of the screen, you can search for a specific appraisal, or alternatively, you can use the button on the top right of the screen to filter through results to find the right appraisal you're looking for.

Create a new Appraisal

On the appraisal screen, at the bottom right of the screen, you'll see a bubble with a plus symbol on it which is what you can use to create new appraisals on your phone. On this screen, you can input all details about the property in question, the related contact(s)/owner(s) and dates the property was appraised. Once done, tap on the save button and that will add the new appraisal into your database.

Manage an Appraisal

When you go into an appraisal, you are greeted with all details about the appraisal. This includes the general details, contacts and the owner/s, activity around the appraisal and tasks regarding the appraisal.

The about tab of the appraisal displays all general information about the appraisal, including the date of the appraisal, status of the appraisal, the asking price from the owner, the estimated value, the interest level of the appraisal and any internal notes. Below this, you'll find details about the property such as size, number of rooms, etc.

The contacts tab displays any and all owners of the address, as well as any tenants the address might have. To add any new owner/s or tenants, you can simply click on +Add Owner or +Add Tenant which will take you to a screen of contacts, of which you can choose who to add as a new owner or tenant. If the contact doesn't exist, you can always create one and add attach it to the appraisal.

The activity tab gives you all actions regarding the appraisal. This includes a list of all emails, SMS or letters sent out to the property owner and any notes regarding the appraisal. Clicking onto any of these will further give you information regarding that activity.

The tasks tab shows any upcoming, completed and overdue tasks relating to the appraisal. Further clicking onto a task will show you all information regarding the task including details about the task, who it's assigned to, the due date, the contact and about the appraisal itself.

At any time, by pressing the edit button displayed on the top right, you can edit the details about the appraisal.

How to log information or perform actions on an appraisal

Through the Eagle mobile app, you can log information against an appraisal quite easily. New note allows you to leave internal notes regarding the appraisal, New Inspection Attendance allows you to mark a new attendee as an attendant of an inspection to an inspection regarding this property. New Task creates a new task in relation to the contact, Log Call, Log Email, Log SMS, Log Letter and Log Meeting log an instance of a call, email, SMS, letter or meeting in regards to the appraisal. New Enquiry opens up a new enquiry associated with the appraisal and New Offer initiates a new offer on the appraisal.

For any further assistance with this, please contact our Eagle Support Team;
P: (03) 9016 0444 E: [email protected]

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