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Guide to Building Advanced Report Queries
Guide to Building Advanced Report Queries
Justin Tilley avatar
Written by Justin Tilley
Updated over a week ago

The Advanced Report tool gives you full access and an 'under the hood' view of your database. The more flexibility a feature has the more complex it is to use, and this tool is designed to be extremely flexible. To use the Advanced Report tool effectively requires a basic understanding of how to build queries. If you need assistance building queries please get in touch with our support team.

In this guide:

How Queries Work

A query is a request for data from a database. Since your database in Eagle is made up of many tables, queries need to be designed in a way that the generated results are useful and can be easily interpreted. A query can be made with the following attributes:


Measures are a number that is either a count or sum of a Dimension. They can:

  • be a count of something (eg. total number of tasks) or the sum of something (eg. sum of contracts commission)

  • be displayed visually on a graph or chart, or in a table

  • only be displayed with a Time (eg. last 30 days)

  • be displayed with or without a time grouping (eg. task count by day)

  • be combined with Dimensions

  • be combined with other Measures

A simple example of a query using a measure could be line graph showing 'count of tasks created in the last 30 days (by day)'.


Dimensions are the data that is saved on records (eg. 'contact first name' which is saved on a contact). They can:

  • be a number, text or date

  • be displayed with or without a Time

  • be combined with Measures

  • be combined with other Dimensions

  • be displayed in a table, or when combined with a Measure on a graph or chart

A simple example of a query using dimensions could be a table showing 'task body, task due date, task completed date, agents name'.


Segments are predefined queries created by Eagle that are too complex to create with the query interface. If you are having trouble creating a query to show the information you want to see, the first step is to contact our support team for assistance. Depending on the desired query, our technical team may be able to build a Segment to help you to create the query.


Time allows you to define a specific date, time period and time grouping for your query.

Date - Allows you to set which date the query should use (eg. 'Tasks Created at', 'Tasks Completed at' etc.)

Time Period - Allows you to set the time period the query should use (eg. 'This Year', 'Last Year', 'Last 30 days' etc.)

Time Grouping - Allows you to set how the query results should be displayed from within the time period (eg. 'Day', 'Week', 'Month' etc.)

A simple example of a query using time could be 'addresses created in the last year by month'.


Allows you to filter your query to only return specific dimensions. A good use case for this is building a query out based on tasks completed in a time period, then filtering by agent so you only see tasks completed by that agent.

Example of Building a Query

Let's say we want to know how many tasks are being completed each month by each user and be able to compare them to each other.

  1. Since we want to know 'how many' we'll need to use the Measure 'Tasks Count'.

2. Next we need to update the Time. We want to know when tasks are completed so we set this to 'Tasks Completed at'. We want to know tasks completed by month, so we'll set the time period to 'This Year' and to view it by 'Month'.

3. Since we want to compare how many tasks are being completed by each agent, we'll then add the 'Agents Name' dimension.

4. Finally, we'll want to choose the best way to display this report. Since we are using a time grouping of 'Month' we'll want to use a Line, Area or Bar chart (it's impossible to display a time grouping on a table or pie chart, if these are chosen the time grouping drops off).

5. Our query is complete! Now we can save the report by clicking 'Add to Dashboard'. We recommend giving your new report a descriptive name so it's easy to understand what is being shown. For this example we'll call it Tasks Completed by Agent (Per month).

For any further assistance with creating queries for your advanced reports, please contact our Eagle Support Team;

P: (03) 9016 0444 E: [email protected]

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