Rello is a payments platform that allows you to easily and securely request advertising funds from your vendors. Rello gives vendors the option to Pay Now or Pay Later with proceeds from the sale.
How To Send An Advertising Payment Request With Rello
Navigate to the Advertising tab on either an appraisal, listing or contract.
Add in advertising items to the Vendor Paid Advertising section, this will ensure:
Outstanding advertising is automatically calculated
The correct amount is requested on the payment request
If you're using the Trust Accounting module, link the trust account ledger before making the payment request so that the trust account receipt is generated automatically when payment is made to your trust account
In the Payments table (located below the advertising schedule) click the Request VPA Payment button
Fill in the required etails (most will be prefilled)
Bank account - Where you'd like advertising funds paid to (if your desired bank account is not showing, ensure your bank accounts have been mapped)
Vendors - The contact that the payment request will be emailed to
Amount to request - The amount you'd like the vendor to pay for advertising. Must not exceed 2% of the expected sale price (capped at $25,000).
Reference - The property address (leave prefilled)
Message to vendors - Enter an optional message that you'd like to include in the payment request email to your vendors.
βSale price - The expected sale price of the property
Campaign start date - The date you'd like to initiate the payment request (defaults to today)
Authority - Upload the listing authority. If already uploaded against the appraisal, listing or contract then it will be available to tick.
Click the Send Request button to submit the payment request. An email will be sent to your vendor and the payment request will show and automatically update in Eagle.
Advertising Payment Request Status
Once an advertising payment request has been created and sent, the status will automatically update in Eagle:
Pending - The payment request has been created and sent to the client but has not been completed by the client
Active - Payment request has been completed by the client and funds have been disbursed by Rello to your bank account. Rello should be repaid directly from the clients ledger in your trust account at settlement
Completed - The client has either paid the full balance up front, or they have opted to pay later and the funds have now been repaid back to Rello
Expired - The payment request has expired. To request funds again create a new payment request
Cancelled - The payment request has been cancelled by the agency via their Rello login. To request funds again create a new payment request
For any further assistance with requesting payments using the Rello integration please contact our Eagle Support Team; P: (03) 9016 0444 E: [email protected]