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How to create an Email Template
How to create an Email Template

Creating and Sending an Email Template with Eagle

Timothy Ackaoui avatar
Written by Timothy Ackaoui
Updated over a week ago

Creating and Sending Email Templates with Eagle is a simple process. You can use these to tailor your automated or manual responses to contacts to fit any criteria. Using the Email Templates saves you time on composing new emails every time you have a need to send one out, therefore leaving you with more time to work on other aspects of your business!

How To Create An Email Template:

  1. Go to Settings->Email Templates

  2. Click on the Email Templates tab

  3. Click on "New Email Template" - This will bring you to a page where you can create an email template

  4. The template name field is your internal name to remember the email

  5. The content field is where you enter your email. Type in your email in this field the same as if you were making the email in your normal email program.

  6. Eagle provides template tags that can be pre-filled by data in your database. These tags are surrounded by curled braces {{ }}.
    a. To add a tag to your email, place your cursor in the content field where you            would like the tag to go
    b. Select the tag you want in the "Add field" drop-down box
    c. Click "Add"
    d. Your tag will now be inserted into the email
    e. Don't remove part of the tag or remove braces, the tag must remain fully intact       as it is

    Below you will see an example of a created template using tags that will fill with data when sending an email, if this template is selected. 

How fields work:

Fields pull information from different areas of your database. The first word of the field relates to the type of data in your database, and the last part of the field relates to the actual data field.

These examples show different fields and where the data is pulled from within Eagle.

Office: These details are taken from within Settings-> Account Settings.
Agent: These details are taken from within Settings-> Agent Profiles.
Contact (Recipient): These details are taken from the Contacts database.
Solicitor: Within a contact record, you are able to set the Solicitor by going to the "Related Contacts" tab.
Contract: The contracts section and all purchases, vendors and solicitors attached to a contract. (For more information our contacts help desk article). When you are creating a letter or email for a contract, make sure to use the tags beginning with the word "Contract" for solicitors, purchasers and vendors. 

For any further assistance with this please contact our Eagle Support Team;
P: (03) 9016 0444 E: [email protected] 

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