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How to generate a Letter Template
How to generate a Letter Template

Within Eagle, you are able to generate letter templates that are easily tailored to your needs.

Timothy Ackaoui avatar
Written by Timothy Ackaoui
Updated over 5 years ago

Begin by accessing your Letters tab via Settings-> Letters.

Within this screen, you'll find 8 different fields of selection:

  • "Select a letter template" - Selects a template from 20+ pre-generated letters, or alternatively any letter templates that you have constructed and added into the letter templates.

  • "Select a contact" - Selects a contact from your Eagle contact list that you wish to address the letter to. You're able to search for specific contacts by typing into the search box of the field and selecting the correct contact.

  • "Select a property (if applicable)" - Selects a property from your listings that are not in "Draft' status and adds specific details, depending on the template selected. 

  • "Select an appraisal (if applicable)" - Selects an appraisal on a property from your appraisals and adds specific details, depending on the template selected. 

  • "From (if applicable)" - Displays the name and details of the agent selected in the relevant areas of the template.

  • "Select an office" - Displays the name and details of the office selected in the relevant areas of the template.

  • "Include header" - Displays the header you have loaded into Eagle

  • "Include footer" - Displays the footer you have loaded into Eagle

By using these options you are able to pull data directly from your Eagle database and tailor the letters that you send to your exact needs. 

An Example:

As an example, I have selected a template and a contact. Selecting a contact will pull the relevant details and add them into the tagged sections of the letter as you can see below.

Next you can:

  • Select the property/appraisal (if applicable) that the letter will be referring to. 

  • Select who the letter is to be sent from and also the office that it has been sent from.

  • Choose to include a header and footer within the letter if you have them configured within Eagle.

  • Add any details that have not been automatically filled by your previous selections, you can manually add these if the need arises, as it varies from template to template.

Below you can see the beginnings of a full template:

Additional details in regards to the setup of your Header and Footer can be found here.

For any further assistance with this please contact our Eagle Support Team;
P: (03) 9016 0444 E: [email protected] 

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