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How to set up Inspection Bookings settings
How to set up Inspection Bookings settings

Setting up your Inspection availability and the inspection availability of a particular property including Availability Calendar

Justin Tilley avatar
Written by Justin Tilley
Updated over a week ago

What is the Inspection Availability Calendar?

The Inspection Availability Calendar calendar will allow you to designate specific times that potential buyers or tenants can see and book. You can designate a maximum number of inspection attendees, the duration of the inspection, a buffer between inspections, designate inspection agents and the amount of notice required before the time slot can be booked. 

There is an Inspection Availability Calendar both at an Agent level and at a Property level. If both Inspection Availability Calendars are setup, they will reference one another and only display inspection times that are available for both the property and the agent. 

Inspections Page in Eagle

Eagle now has an Inspections page from the main CRM Menu. From here you have a view of all of your upcoming and historic Inspections, Toggle the view to just show Sales or Rentals, Book new Inspections (circled) and you can also generate a Book Inspection link which you can share with potential buyers and tenants. 

Visit the Inspections Page here

Setup your Global Inspection Booking Settings

In Eagle, click on Settings and from the menu on the left you will find your global Inspection Bookings settings. From here you can set up the default way in which you would like your Inspections to be handled on your properties. 

Visit the Inspection Booking Settings here

Inspection Availability Mode

There are multiple ways in which you can set up your default inspection settings. 

  • Inspection Times Only

The first option here will allow you to create Open inspections with no registration required. Open inspections will of course display the open times on all portals. The other option will be Requires Registration inspections. This option will not display the open times on the portals. Instead, after a potential buyer or tenant enquires on the property, they will be sent a link via an Automation to book into the inspection. 

Note: This method will not allow you to limit the amount of inspection attendees. 

  • Use Availability Calendar

Inspection attendees will be able to book inspections during the available times you specify in the Inspection Availability Calendar(s) as well as well as during Open Inspections or Requires Registration Inspections. This method will allow you to limit attendees at each inspection time. Similarly to Requires Registration inspections, this option will not display an inspection time on the portals. After a potential buyer or tenant enquires on the property, they will be sent a link via an Automation to book into the inspection. 

Note: With this method you will not have to create inspections. You simply set the availability and potential buyers or tenants will be able to book themselves in. 

  • Automatic

Prior to the property available date:
Inspection attendees will only be able to book in to Open Inspections or Requires Registration Inspections, as the property is likely tenanted. 

After the property available date:
Now that the property is vacant, Inspection attendees will be able to book in to Open Inspections, Requires Registration Inspections and times you specify in the Inspection Availability Calendar(s)

Note: For sales listings, the "Automatic" option is the same as "Inspection Times Only".

Select which Agents will run the Inspections 

Now you can select the Agents to attend/run the inspections. Similarly to selecting Listings Agents on a property, you can check the box of the Inspection Agent, and drag and drop them in the order in which you would like them to be booked. 

In this example, if Andrew Ussher is the first Inspection Agent, but he is booked into another inspection, the system will then book the inspection with Richard Wein. 

Barry Business has been picked up to drop into 3rd place in the order. 

Select Time Frames and Maximum Attendees

You will now set some rules around time and attendance at each inspection. 

Minimum Notice Time (Hours) will define how many hours from the current time an inspection can be booked. Eg: If it's 1pm now, 2 hours means an inspection cannot be booked until 3pm or after. 

Travel Buffer Time (Minutes) will define how many minutes an Agent needs, from the end of their previous inspection, to arrive at their new inspection. If you want to do back to back inspections, leave at 0. 

Property Buffer Time (Days) will define how many days from the last inspection of the property, will the property be available for another inspection to be booked. For multiple inspections on one day, leave at 0. 

Maximum number of attendees will allow you to cap the amount of people that can book into one inspection time. Leave the field blank for unlimited attendees. 

Duration (Minutes) will define the length of time for each inspection. 

Once all of the above is filled, click Save.

Set User/Agent Availability

Once you've clicked Save the page will reload and at the bottom of the page you will have a calendar. From here you can select your Inspection Agents name and set their availability. To set up a block of availability, simply click and drag on the calendar. You can then adjust the times by dragging the edges of the block and move the blocks by dragging and dropping.  

Set Individual Property Inspection Setting

In some circumstances, the inspection availability of the property may differ from the inspection availability of the agents (Global Inspection Booking Settings). In that case, you can set the inspection availability for a individual property. 

Like always, open the property in Eagle and click on Inspections in the blue menu bar. From here you have the option to create an Open Inspection or an Inspection that Requires Registration (neither of these options will limit inspection attendees).

To change the inspection availability of this particular property or to Limit Inspection Attendees, etc, click on the option below Override Account Defaults of This Property. 

You will then have much of the same options to chose from as above. You will be prompted to select the Inspection Availability Mode, Select the Inspections Agents/Users, Enter the Notice Time, Travel Buffer, Property Buffer, Attendee limit, Duration. Once all of the above is entered, click Save. 

Once you've clicked Save the page will reload and at the bottom of the page you will have a calendar. Much like the Agent calendar above, you can enter availability but this time for the particular property. 

Note: If the availability in the Property Calendar and Agent Calendar are different, the calendars will reference one another and only display inspection times that are available for both property and agent. 

For any further assistance with this please contact our Eagle Support Team;
P: (03) 9016 0444 E: [email protected] 

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