Not all embedded content is created equally, so there are particular providers of digital content for videos & online tours that are accepted on the New Zealand portal website
Trade Me is unable to process updates that include embedded content that is not supported. So if you have video or virtual tour links on your property that are NOT supported, updates will not process on
Embedded content means that things like videos and online tours are displayed within a page, rather than requiring a user to click on a link to view the content on a third party website.
Not only does embedded content look better, it is a more user friendly experience for your prospective purchasers or tenants.
For videos
Both Youtube and Vimeo are supported as video storage services, so your videos can be nicely displayed on the majority of property advertising portal websites, including
The video link generated by these services is added into Eagle Software by the below steps:
From the main Listings section, click into a listing
Click the Images, Docs and Copy tab
Scroll down to the Links section
Copy the video link from Youtube or Vimeo and paste in the Video URL field
At the bottom of the page, click Save
Online Tours
Like property videos, there are particular providers/services that your online tours need to come from.
If you use a provider that is not on Trade Me's supported list, the listing update will process but the virtual tour will not display.
For any further assistance with this please contact our Eagle Support Team;
P: (03) 9016 0444 E: [email protected]