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Projects explained

How to create and add listings to a new Project, create a Stage within a Project, and manage data within the Projects tab

Justin Tilley avatar
Written by Justin Tilley
Updated over a week ago

In Eagle's CRM, you can create and edit Projects to group listings together as part of the same development. Projects are divided into Apartments, Estates, and Units, and can be viewed and managed via the Projects tab, found on the left-hand sidebar of the CRM.

Projects are divided into two categories, Current Projects and Completed according to their status. (Note: Projects marked as 'active' can be found under 'Current Projects'. To move a project to 'Completed', its status must be changed.)

The main projects tab can be used to filter and search for projects (as with other parts of the CRM such as addresses, listings, and contacts). This page also allows you to quickly view the number of listings associated with a project, its type and status, and the User who owns the project. To view or edit project details, simply click on the name of any of your projects. (Alternatively, clicking on the number of listings associated with a project will allow you to view all these listings directly.)

In the activity tab of an existing project, you can edit project details via the 'edit this project' button, create tasks and notes (as with other parts of the CRM), view basic details, and delete the project. The 'Contacts' section of this page allows you to view a full list of contacts who've enquired on any of the listings associated with the project, and to email or SMS all of these contacts at once.

To view the listings associated with an existing project, click on the tab labelled 'Stock', found directly below the header. Here, you can not only view, sort, and filter listings, but also view and edit their details and existing contracts. The 'Download PDF' and 'Download Excel' options, found at the very bottom of this page (see image), allow you to quickly generate a stocklist or data spreadsheet for all of the listings in a project.

How do I create a new project?

To create a new project, click on the green 'add new project' button found at the top of the main Projects page.

Once you've entered the 'add a new project' screen, name the project and select a Project Type (either Apartments, Estate, or Units) from the drop-down menu. Project status is set to 'active' (ie. a current project) by default, but should be set to 'draft' until you're ready to publish the project's details.

If you have a relevant Project or Agency ID through, you can add it to the project here- for further assistance with this, please contact (If you don't have this information yet, don't worry! You can add it later via the 'edit this project' button)

Next, enter the project's street address. A pop-up will appear while entering the suburb- be sure to select the correct one from the list.

Finally, this screen allows you to assign a first project agent and an Owner within Eagle (usually yourself), as with other CRM data. You can also manage who can see the project and add extra details as necessary. (As with any other part of Eagle's CRM, these form fields are customisable. More information on Custom Fields can be found here.)

To finish creating a project (and to publish it, if its status is either Active or Completed), simply click on the green Save Project button found at the bottom of the page. Any of the above details can be changed at any time via the 'edit this listing' button.

How can I add listings to a new or existing project?

To create a new listing within a project, navigate to the 'stock' tab of the project's page and click the green 'new residential sale listing' button (or select another option from the drop down menu). This will open up a page to create a new listing from scratch that will become part of the project automatically.

To add an existing listing to a project, navigate to the listing via the 'properties' sidebar tab. Open 'Listing Details', and select the name of your project from the drop-down menu labelled 'project'.

To create quickly multiple similar listings within a project (eg. several units, all apartments on a floor), an existing listing can be cloned. More information on cloning listings can be found here.

What are Stages, and how can I create and manage them?

Stages are groupings of listings within a project. They can be used for a variety of purposes, including to indicate different stages of a building development (that may be available for sale on different dates), or to organise an apartment building into its different floors. To view and edit a project's stages, navigate to the 'Stages' tab within a project. To add a new stage, simply click the green 'New Stage' button.

Once you've entered the 'new project stage' page, you'll be able to name the stage, change its status (active, draft, or complete- again, leave the status set to draft until you're ready to publish the project). You can also add any relevant dates, including dates of construction and release to the public. To complete your new stage, click on 'Save Project Stage' at the bottom of the page.

To add one of the listings already associated with the project to your new stage, you'll need to once again edit the listing details. This can be done via the property tab, but listings that are already a part of the project can be edited quickly using the 'stock' tab of the project- simply click on the purple 'edit' button next to any of your listings.

Once in the Listing Details menu, look directly below the 'project' field to find one labelled 'project stages'. Select the name of the stage you wish to add the listing to, then scroll down and click 'save'. The listing will now appear within the stage you created.

Once set up, the 'stages' tab of a project can be used to easily view the different stages of a project, their respective construction/release dates, and the listings grouped within them.

Clicking on a stage will bring up a details page, where listings, tasks, and notes can be added and viewed.

How can I add images, documents, or copy to a Project or Stage?

Photos, documents, floorplans, descriptions, copy, and other files associated with a project or stage are managed in much the same way as they are for standard listings. To add new files to a project or stage, navigate to the 'Images, Docs & Copy' tab of the project or stage page. Here, images, floorplans, and documents can be uploaded, and copy can be entered via the text field. Once you've finished uploading all relevant files, remember to click 'save'.

For any further assistance with this, please contact our Eagle Support Team;
P: (03) 9016 0444 E: [email protected]

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